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Giliavandenių žuvų ferma (Dorados) Investicija - Kapitalo Relokacija 660.000,00 eurų. Šiaurės Kipras, Ofšoras.

Kaina: 660000
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Skubiai reikalinga 660.000,00 eurų investicija - injekcija verslui.
2 metus pinigai privalės dirbti.
Trečius metus gaunate 127000 eurų dividentus.
Ketvirtus metus gaunate 254,000 eurų dividentus
Penktus metus Renkatės 254,000 eurų dividentus + 660,000 eurų ir išeinate su pelnu arba liekate dar penkis metus versle, reinvestuojame jūsų 660k ir dar penkis metus gaunate 254000 eurų + metinė infliacija.

Investment Proposal for Deep Sea Fish Farm
Dear Investors,
Subject: Investment and capital relocation Opportunity in Deep Sea Fish Farm - €660,000 Required
We are pleased to present an urgent investment opportunity in our established deep sea fish farm, requiring a €660,000 injection to sustain and grow our business. This proposal details the investment structure and potential returns over the next five years.
Executive Summary
Our deep sea fish farm has been operating successfully for 10 years, leveraging advanced aquaculture technology and long-term state leases for sea and coastal areas. We are now seeking to buy out existing shares to continue and expand our operations. This investment will not only secure financial returns but also promote sustainable seafood production.
Investment Details
Immediate Need: €660,000 investment
Investment Duration: 2 years minimum
Dividend Schedule:
Year 3: €127,000
Year 4: €254,000
Year 5: €254,000 + return of initial €660,000 investment
Total Return over 5 Years: €1,295,000
Annualized ROI: Approximately 14.4%
Options After Year 5:
Exit with profit
Reinvest €660,000 for another 5 years, receiving €254,000 + annual inflation adjustment per year
Investment Options
Share Purchase: In addition to dividends, investors have the opportunity to buy shares in the company, becoming a partner-owner. This option allows you to participate in the decision-making process and benefit from the long-term growth of the company.
Accepted Currencies: Any, including cryptocurrencies
Crowdfunding Option: Available for collective investment
Strategic Advantage
Exclusive Licensing: In Cyprus, only two companies have the license to operate deep sea fish farming businesses, and ours is one of them. This exclusivity provides a significant competitive advantage in the market.
Share Buyout: The primary motivation for this investment is to buy out the existing shares of the former partner, ensuring the continuity and stability of our business operations.
Company Strengths
Long-term Leases: Secured sea and coastal area leases from the state
Sustainable Operations: Commitment to eco-friendly and efficient farming practices
The company is owned by a UK-Cypriot citizen, whose dual nationality provides an extensive network. This ownership structure facilitates smoother operations and enhances credibility in the industry.
Legal Part - Safety
To ensure the security and legality of your investment, the contract will be formalized by a Notary Public. This governing body is associated with government documents and ensures that all records are kept safe and legally binding. This provides an additional layer of security and trust for our investors.
We invite you to participate in this profitable and sustainable venture. Your investment will not only yield significant returns but also support the future of sustainable seafood production. By purchasing shares, you can also become an integral part of our company's growth and success.
We look forward to discussing this opportunity further and exploring how we can collaborate for mutual success.
Thank you for considering our proposal.
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